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At Carhill Integrated Primary School we believe that the curriculum is the totality of pupils’ learning experiences. By developing a broad and balanced curriculum we are laying the foundations for our children to achieve success in becoming lifelong learners.


We follow the Northern Ireland Curriculum objectives. Our curriculum is comprised of the following areas:

Children learn through cross-curricular themes which are underpinned by a number of core skills that are threaded through our curriculum, e.g. I.CT, and thinking skills, etc. Interactive Whiteboards and IPads are accessible to children in every classroom. Each child is given free access to individualised learning apps, which can also be accessed at home in order to extend learning.

Assessment for Learning


Pupil assessment is part of the learning process and children have regular feedback to enable them

to understand the next step in their learning. We believe in identifying each child’s strengths and

weaknesses at the earliest possible time, so that a system of support can be tailored to meet their ability needs. The progress of each pupil is constantly tracked and steps are taken to ensure all our pupils are moving forward.


Standardised Literacy and Numeracy tests are used In P3-P7, at the end of the year, to inform teaching. The results are analysed and if there are concerns, parents are notified. Parents have the opportunity to meet with teachers regarding their child’s progress in Term 1 & Term 3. They also receive an annual written report in June. At the end of Primary 7, pupils also receive a Record of Achievement. This is a celebration of the child’s time in primary school. It includes academic and non-academic achievements both in and out of school.

The Arts


Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness: intellectual, social and emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. For children and adults, music helps strengthen memory skills.


At Carhill IPS every child from P1 to P7 has the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. The recorder and tin whistle is taught in P3-P7 as part of the core music curriculum, whilst violin tuition is available for children even as young as P1.


Speech and Drama tuition opportunities are also provided at Carhill IPS. It is a powerful way for children to learn the necessary building blocks for a life of effective communication. It empowers

children and enables them to develop self-confidence, a creative imagination, empathy, and maturity in interpersonal skills.

Religious Education


Carhill is a school with a strong Christian ethos. We endeavour to teach our children Christian values whilst also recognising that there are other world faiths and that there are children who do not belong to any faith. All children’s belief systems will be valued and celebrated at Carhill. A whole school assembly is held once a week, and should parents not wish their child to participate in RE lessons, then alternative arrangements can be made.


Infants take RE classes together as one group. Further up the school, parents can choose to continue with general Christian RE classes, or to have their children prepared for the Sacraments of

the Roman Catholic Church. Preparation for these children will be supported through separate R.E. classes and attendance to Mass once a week during school hours. In years 5 - 7 the children will

have opportunities to learn about other world religions.

Physical Education


Years 1 and 2 children benefit from the expertise

of a highly skilled DENI coach.


The Fundamental Movement Programme, which encompasses fine motor and gross-motor skills, not only develops their sporting ability but is also central to enhancing children’s handwriting and manipulative skills.


Throughout the year, pupils in Years 3 - 7 have weekly P.E lessons encompassing a wide range of sporting activities including hockey, netball, ball skills, games and other multi-sports disciplines. These lessons now take place all year round in our new school hall.


Swimming lessons begin in Year 5, which provides our children with a fantastic foundation to develop and hone their skills right up to Year 7.
