What Makes Carhill the right choice for your child?
• Small class sizes and high adult to pupil ratios scaffolds your child’s learning, giving your child the
best start to their education.
• Carhill IPS is a highly successful school, at the forefront of many new educational initiatives,
which help children to excel in reading, writing and mathematics.
• The school boasts a fantastic learning environment, whose bright and stimulating displays inspire
learning and nurtures our strong family ethos.
• The “Early Bird Breakfast Club” opens daily
from 8.15am offering healthy breakfasts and games.
• “Carhill Pitstop” is an affordable afterschool
service that provides wraparound care for pupils
until 4pm/5pm.
• Our Woodland Classroom and Sensory
Garden extends and develops learning through the outdoors.
• Senior pupils, appointed as Playground Pals and Anti-Bullying Buddies, support positive outdoor play and foster peer support.
• Interactive whiteboards and IPads are in every
classroom to enhance ICT skills, and to foster
learning. Individual apps are provided for every child to support, develop and track learning at
home and in school.
• Every child from P1-P7 has the opportunity to
learn to play a musical instrument.
• Residential, trips and Ski-Trip opportunities to Bulgaria are available for P4-P7 pupils.